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General Data Protection Regulation And


The General Data Protection Regulation emerged after a process of 4 years of debate, negotiations and lobbying in the European Union and is expected to significantly affect the way organizations transact with individuals and make use of their personal data, at a time when information systems and digital business underpin human life. has since many months ago introduced the mechanisms and allocated the necessary resources for scrutinizing the requirements, establishing processes and controls to ensure that personal data of both its customers and employees are managed in a way which is compliant to the new regulation.

Most of the key principles of GDPR are quite known as regulation about personal data protection was already in place in the European Union, however the changes ushered by GDPR relate to some new areas and concepts, substantial for businesses to adopt in their operations.

According to GDPR, personal data is any type of information which identify or make a natural person identifiable, that including emails, IP addresses, license plates etc. GDPR is built around 5 key pillars

  • Transparency, which means that companies have an open communication with their customers reference how personal data is collected, processed, stored, retrieved and withdrawn, all that in a way which is understandable and customers have ensured their written consent for.
  • Data portability, according to which companies must secure that their customers can exercise their free will to transfer their data from one provider to the other without any barriers set by the current provider.
  • Right to be forgotten, referring to the obligation of the providers to erase any personal data upon a person’s request which means complete erasure and no use of any kind of data held by the organization or shared with third parties the former is related to.
  • Breach notification referring to the companies’ obligation to notify the supervisory authority within 72 hours about any data leak i.e. any accidental or unlawful unauthorized disclosure of a natural person’s data. Within the same framework, notification is obligatory for data processors to the data controllers and to the customers themselves without undue delay
  • Privacy by design, meaning that all necessary technical and organizational measures are taken from the very starting point when designing a new system, to secure the data subjects’ privacy rights as underpinned by the regulation. have hugely invested in data protection over the years adopting privacy policies and processes which ensure that personal data enjoy a high standard of protection by maintaining the level of respect for fundamental rights; GDPR is approached as just an additional framework for improving the quality and quantity of the data by also avoiding potential duplications. is committed to ensuring full compliance to the regulation and every member in the Interworks team is excited about their involvement in this pathway which will have a direct influence on the use of more sophisticated automations and Cloud inventions..!

Please communicate any queries to the company DPO Mr. Costas Flocas at [email protected].



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