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All you need to know about and… the cloud!

The Platform For Microsoft CSPS Got Awarded By The Business Intelligence Group

The platform named 2016 Case Study of the Year by the Business Intelligence Group (BIG)

Are You A Microsoft CSP? Automate Your Business With The Platform

ARE YOU A MICROSOFT CSP? Automate your business with the platform

Office 365 Billing Automation

Office 365 and Azure cloud services can now be billed automatically, in a matter of minutes!

Offer Microsoft Cloud Services With

Provide Microsoft cloud services like Office 365, Azure and Dynamics CRM

2014 Cloud Computing Predictions On Enterprise IT, By Forrester Research

There are just a few days remaining for 2014 to arrive and Cloud Computing IS the industry that promises much needed and much accomplished innovation. What are the Cloud Computing predictions for next year?

How Projects Really Work? The Real Truth!

Well, TGIF. Fridays is usually the best day to spread around company jokes since it’s the day that no one gets offended. So, there is always constant nagging about new projects and the whole procedure of how they are set up, analyzed, engineered, tested, delivered and finally, billed.

Top 10 Cloud Computing Myths

Top 10 myths about Cloud Computing Let’s unravel that mystery together.

The 10 Cloud Computing Terms

When jumping into the Cloud, or at least, when considering to do so, you might want to investigate what it is about.


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